The Neon Moon Setting is a take on a cyberpunk world, using the archetypes of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot. As with any Tarot deck, every card has a piece of story behind it, and every combination of cards tells a different story. Characters in the cards represent the wealthy yet repressed and restrained set in contrast against the poor but diverse and free that fight for their existence and identity against the many systems aimed at controlling them.
Neon Moon tells the story of corporations without restraint benefiting the few immortals living above a plate that separates them from the poverty-stricken masses below. With the arrival of a strange neon full moon, Magic returns to the world and brings with it hope for the upending of the oppressive power structures of the city.
*Please note: this product does not include a paper version of the manual, however, you can download the electronic version of the manual by following the directions provided with the deck.
Blessings! I hope you find what it is that you seek!
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